

Correspondence is a written form of communication. It is purposeful writing used to convey information to someone, groups, organizations, staff, etc. It is a means of contact between two or more persons which conveys the writer\u2019s opinion, ideas, message, directives, or information.<\/p>\n

Correspondence encompasses the different means of passing information to others in a written form. An example of this is a letter, which is used to pass both personal and official information. It could be internal (intra-personal) or external (inter-personal). An internal correspondence occurs within an organization, while the external correspondence is from observers, the government agencies, establishments, customers, etc.<\/p>\n


Types of Correspondence<\/strong><\/p>\n

The following are diverse types of Correspondence.<\/p>\n



A letter is a message which is written on paper and sent to someone. Letters are classified into two major types. These are the formal or business letters and the informal or personal letters.<\/p>\n


Functions of a letter<\/strong><\/p>\n