

Correspondence is a written form of communication. It is purposeful writing used to convey information to someone, groups, organizations, staff, etc. It is a means of contact between two or more persons which conveys the writer’s opinion, ideas, message, directives, or information.

Correspondence encompasses the different means of passing information to others in a written form. An example of this is a letter, which is used to pass both personal and official information. It could be internal (intra-personal) or external (inter-personal). An internal correspondence occurs within an organization, while the external correspondence is from observers, the government agencies, establishments, customers, etc.


Types of Correspondence

The following are diverse types of Correspondence.



A letter is a message which is written on paper and sent to someone. Letters are classified into two major types. These are the formal or business letters and the informal or personal letters.


Functions of a letter

  • Information: Letter is a source of information to groups, organizations, and individuals.
  • Reference: Letters are sources of reference for individuals and cooperate organizations. They could be referred to for confirmation or clarification of information.
  • Boosts other forms of communication: Letters serve as a boost or support for other modes of communication.
  • Could be used as evidence: Letters could be used as evidence in courts of law or other spheres where justice is needed.
  • Guide for further actions: Letters could be guides for further actions as they could reveal a decision or an action taken in the past.


Paragraphing Methods of Letters

This refers to the paragraph method used in writing a letter. A writer has the liberty to decide the method of paragraphing he intends to use. But one may need to follow one’s organization’s in-house style. The following are the types of paragraphs:


(i) Fully Indented

This type of paragraph is considered old-fashioned and, in most cases, no longer in use. It allows the address to be progressively indented, the first line of each paragraph is also indented as well as the complementary closure.

(ii) Complete Block or Fully Block

This type of paragraphing begins from the left margin and leaves an empty line of space between each paragraph.

(iii) Modified or Semi-block

In the modified or semi-block type of format, the paragraph is indented but does not leave a space between one paragraph and the other. Though it is business-like and professional, a friendship develops between the sender and the receiver. The date, complementary closure, cooperate signature, or writer’s signature lines are moved to the right.


Types of Letters

Informal Letters

The Informal letter is known as a personal or private letter written to someone to discuss personal affairs. It is the kind of letter exchanged with family or friends. It has a personal tone.


Parts of an Informal Letter

  • Address of the writer
  • Date
  • Salutation
  • The body of the Letter
  • Complementary closure
  • First name

Formal Letters

The formal letter is also known as an official letter or business letter. It is used to conduct official or business transactions.

This type of letter creates an artificial gap between its writer and receiver despite their relationship. The tone or language of this letter is strictly formal. There are usually no jokes, slang, or colloquial expressions. Abbreviations are sparingly allowed in this letter.

A formal or business letter is brief and concise but contains essential details that one needs to achieve desired results. It usually conveys messages like agreements, appointments, promotions, business details, inquiries, goodwill messages, proposals, etc.


Parts of a formal letter or business Letter

(a) Writer’s address

(ii) The Date

(iii) The receiver’s address

(iv) Salutation

(v) Subject heading

(vi) The body

(vii) The Complementary Close

(viii) Cooperate signature

(ix) Writer’s name

(x) Writer’s designation or Job title


Business Correspondence

This is a written communication used for business activities.


1. Business Letters

These are the letters written purely for business transactions.


Categories of Business Letters

(it) Information

Letters of Inquiries, appointment, applications, demotion, invitation, interview, follow-up, transfer, introduction, announcement letters, requests, cover letter, recommendation, reply to an inquiry, etc.

(ii) Sales

Promotional letters, marketing, strategies, advertorial, contractual agreement, feasibility, or proposals, order letters, quotations, etc.

(iii) Problems

Letters of complaint, agitation, queries, discontentment, dismissal letter, rejection letter, termination letter, etc.

(iv) Goodwill

Letters of condolence, felicitations, congratulatory letters, sympathy letters, appreciation letters, etc.


Samples of Business Letters

Application Letters

These are letters that applicants write to seek for one position or the other. They write these letters in response to advertisements for vacancies or the purposes indicated by the advertisers. Sometimes some people send in applications without waiting for the advertisement of posts.

Applications are not limited to employment alone. Some companies or individuals seeking services and contracts can also write applications to the establishments or persons they seek their services. This may be in response to an advertisement done by the establishments, persons, or otherwise.

Applications may be accompanied by a tender, a formal proposal, or a curriculum vitae in case of employments. An application letter takes the format of a formal letter. It is concise, straight to the point, and the language is strictly formal.

Below is an example of an application letter in a blocked format:


P.O. Box 3492

Anifowoshe, Ikeja,

Lagos State.

13th November 2020.


The Personnel Manager,

Eve Pac Publishers LTD,

Allen Avenue, Ikeja,

Lagos State.



I write to apply for the post of sales manager in your establishment. This is in response to your advertisement in the Punch newspaper of Friday, 10th November 2021.

I am a graduate of Economics from the University of Illorin in Kwara State. I graduated with a second-class honor in 2018 and had the mandatory National Youth Service in 1992. At the end of my service year, I got an award having conducted a successful project during the service year.

As demonstrated in my National Youth Service, I am hardworking. Also, I have a keen interest in sales and would be glad to work in this department in your company.

I attach the photocopies of my credentials, curriculum vitae, and an award certificate. I am willing to provide the originals anytime you need me to do so.

Thank You.


Yours faithfully


Kehinde Omotola Akanni


Curriculum Vitae

This is a written form of the required basic information of an applicant. It contains his educational background, experience, and some other vital information. It is usually attached to an application letter.

The following is a sample of a Curriculum Vitae.



Personal Biodata

Full Names…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Date of Birth…………………………………………………………………………………………

Marital Status………………………………………………………………………………………

State of Origin……………………………………………………………………………………..


Postal Address……………………………………………………………………………………..

Residential Address………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone Number……………………………………………………………………………….

Email Address………………………………………………………………………………………

Next of Kin…………………………………………………………………………………………..


Educational Background / Schools Attended with Dates…………………………..

Certificates Obtained with Dates…………………………………………………………….

Professional Qualifications Obtained with Dates………………………………………

Special Skills…………………………………………………………………………………………

Work Experience with Dates…………………………………………………………………..




Letter of Inquiry

A letter of inquiry is a letter that establishments or individuals write to solicit more information or to clarify a notion. It must be brief, direct, and contain relevant information which will help the receiving firm to give useful information. Individuals or firms can make inquiries regarding an aspect of another firm’s activities.

To reply to a letter of inquiry one needs to acknowledge the receipt of the letter, supply all the information requested by the writer, and some other vital information. The tone of this reply should be friendly with an assurance of good services.

The following is a sample of the letter of inquiry.





TEL: 08022357922, Email:

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Date: 12th February 2019

The Sales Manager,

Perps Sugar Nigeria Limited,

3 Adeola Odeku,

Victoria Ireland,



Dear Sir,


We would like to know if your sugar is available for purchase now. We request the price list and the samples of the available packages.

If the product and the prize are satisfactory, we will place orders for enormous quantities as we intend to distribute to the consumers.

Yours faithfully,


Name (Position in the company)


Letter of Invitation

An invitation letter is a letter the sender writes to the recipient to invite the latter to a function that is coming up. It is relevant to provide the necessary details related to the function or event clearly and precisely to attract a favorable response such as a positive attendance.

The contents of the letter include the purpose, date, time, and location of the proposed function.  It is also important that the sender mentions the guest of honor. There should be a little explanation about the event, a mention of the things to bring, the dress code, request for confirmation, and anticipation for acceptance.

A sample of the letter of invitation is below.





Tel: +2348033127790, Email:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Date: April 18, 2021


Mr. and Mrs. Adewale,


The above-named organization invites you to her annual Thanksgiving Day as a special guest. This function will take place as follows:

Date: Sunday 27th July 2021

Time: 9 am

Venue: Church Auditorium

Theme: The All-sufficient God

God bless you as you make yourself available for this function.


Yours in Christ


………………………                                                                      …………………………

Pastor Mrs Alor                                                                       Pastor Alor

President, Righteous Women, Miracle Chapel                 Pastor in Charge of Zone, Miracle Chapel




Letter of Complaint

A letter of complaint is a letter that firms or individuals write when they encounter problems in business. The letter presents facts. It describes the situation of the goods and services in question and states the grievances of the complainant. The complainant also presents his desire with a suggestion of a possible solution.

The features of this letter include politeness and presenting adequate details. Sometimes there is a warning, but there is not usually a threat of legal action in the first letter of a complaint unless the situation is serious.

A sample of this letter is below.




TEL: 08034337626, Email:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Date: March 12, 2020

The Sales Manager,

Global Oil Limited,

23 Anori Street,




Dear Sir,


We would like to complain about the twenty-five cartons of oil supplied to us by your company on the 10th of March 2020. We have observed that these goods are not in good condition as there is leakage in the bottles of oil.

Our establishment will appreciate it if you resolve this problem by replacing the spoilt goods immediately. We hereby attach a copy of the order letter to the cartons of oil.

We hope that you will resolve this problem soon.


Yours faithfully,


Karen Bogie (Director)


2. Memorandum

A memorandum (or memo) is a useful form of business correspondence. It is one of the forms of communication in business organizations that are in use frequently. Memorandum is internal communication in an organization, used to pass information, inform, direct, make a request, report results, delegate duties, confirm and document the oral discussion. It involves a circulation of official information within an organization and its branches or subsidiaries.

It is brief, precise, and contains information on a subject. The tone reflects the status of the writer. It could be authoritative, persuasive, assertive, or some other tone. No matter the tone, it is important that a memorandum is polite.

Organizations write Memorandum in papers that they strictly prepare for this purpose, which the header usually bears Internal Memorandum. Firms accept memoranda as an internal equivalent of letters and can as well transmit them as emails. Organizations can document, retrieve, or use memorandum for referential purposes.


3. Emails

Email is a type of message that someone distributes electronically to one or more recipients. People or establishments send emails through a network utilizing electronic devices. Presently many establishments use email to replace other forms of correspondence that they write or mail.  Also, some professionals use emails to pass information or messages to their business partners or prospective business partners.

Organizations use emails to pass messages like marketing information, meeting schedules, requests for information, and appointments. They also use it to invite people for interviews, as well as advertise goods and services.

Email dominates the business settings in the present time. The basic structure of the email includes salutation, message, and the closing signature.


4. Circular

Circular is another form of correspondence written for circulation to a group of people. It is also known as a letter of notice. Circular is used to pass essential information to a closed group, or the general public and it disseminates information to a large audience at a time. The top management uses circular to communicate downwardly to their subordinates. Circular is used for efficient and effective communication. It saves time.

A circular is brief and concise. It is also official.


5. Gazette

Gazette is an official periodical publication of an organization or government agency. It is a type of correspondence that publishes a permanent, official, public record or important decisions. Gazettes contain critical information or official legal notices of the government or organizations. It is an authoritative source of news that serves as an advertisement to public notices. The contents include people who have been employed, the confirmation of appointments, other decisions with the effective dates.


6. House Journal

A House journal is a periodic publication by a particular company or establishment which contains a record of its activities. It is a personal document and is written for safekeeping.

It is used to disseminate information on the happenings that surround a particular group of people. A House journal is used for effective communication, to build a work culture, and foster a sense of loyalty among the employees. It could be retrieved for future use. It is published for the employees, customers, some other interested people and represents the opinion of the groups or institutions.


7. Bulletin

The bulletin is a short official statement, or regular publication produced to inform the public about a principal issue. It is another type of correspondence used to issue official statements meant for the public. This could be an announcement made by the government, or organization. It could be a brief news report on television, radio, or other media channels. Bulletins are concise and formal.